The wobbly(?) Earth 

This page is an extension from another page. If it is new to you or you are rusty, you are recommended to go to Earth Part 1 Section 3 here.


                              This side is A                                                                         This side is B


         The Earth is often shown without a tilt.


You may have one of these in the house.  A globe.>>>

Shine a torch on it in a dark room and see "both sides of the picture".  Day and night.

Better in the dark!   Image result for shine torch globe images

See 4B


Draw a better picture than the one above after looking at the one in 4B.  The one above doesn't show the dark side.

                      Image result for images globe stand


We now see "The reason for......"


This is the      Image result for shine torch globe images
effect we are looking for.
You try different ways, lighting, etc.

There wouldn't  be summer, autumn, winter or spring if the Earth didn't tilt.  

More on that as we progress.    

The apparent path of the sun among the stars over the course of the year. 


  1. What does "axial" mean?
  2. A feature or quality belonging to an axis.
  3. It is an imaginary line about which something rotates.
  4. "The Earth revolves on its axis once every 24 hours"
  5. Now you know what the line with arrows at each end is called in 4B.


What would make the Earth stop spinning?


  1. If the Earth weren't tilted on its axis, there would be no seasons.  
  2. When a Mars-size object collided with Earth 4.5 billion years ago, it knocked off a chunk that would become the Moon. 
  3. It also tilted Earth sideways a bit, so that our planet now orbits the Sun on a slant
